Research Agreements

Multidisciplinary research agreements

Title of AgreementGoals - AchievementsDate signedDuration
Scientific Cooperation Agreement between Caral Archaeological Zone and the Faculty of Physical Sciences of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. * Analysis by X-Ray fluorescence.November 7, 20122 years, with extension addendum.
Scientific Cooperation Agreement between Caral Archaeological Zone and Chrono Environment Laboratory, Besanҫon – France.* Analysis of coprolites.November 1, 20111 year. Automatic renewal.
Scientific Cooperation Agreement with the Peruvian Nuclear Energy Institute.* Analysis of soils and clays for identification of components.December 30, 20101 year. Automatic renewal.
Scientific Cooperation Framework Agreement between Caral Archaeological Zone and Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.* Joint work and cooperation in the fields of teaching, research, and cultural dissemination.

* Analyses of pollen and coprolites have been performed.
December 16, 20105 years. Automatic renewal.
Specific Inter-institutional Cooperation Agreement between Caral Archaeological Zone and the National Engineering University.* Dating by thermo-luminescence (TL) and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) of test pits and fireplaces in Caral. Chemical analysis of sands and mortars. Analysis of blood and starch.December 30, 20091 year. Automatic renewal.
Research Cooperation Agreement between Caral Archaeological Zone and the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA of the University of Adelaide (ACAD), South Australia.* Analysis of ancient DNA of bone remains and coprolites.December 1, 20093 years, renewable with agreement of the parties.
Scientific Cooperation Agreement between Caral Archaeological Zone (ZAC) and the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute (INGEMMET).* Petromineralogical analysis and PIMA of the archaeological collection.

* Geological record of any architecture lying beneath the surface.
November 15, 20092 years, with extension addendum.
Specific Scientific Cooperation Agreement between Caral Archaeological Zone and the National Meteorology and Hydrology Service (SENAMHI).* Paleoclimate studies through meteorology and wind circulation patterns and meteorological profile for conservation.

* Climatic behavior of Supe Valley.
September 9, 20095 years, with automatic renewal.
Scientific Cooperation Framework Agreement between Caral Archaeological Zone (ZAC) and the Peruvian Marine Research Institute.* Research into the biological and marine conditions, climate, and oceanography, as well as their variation and use by the people over the past 20,000 years in Peru’s north-central area.

* Analysis of otolith samples.
July 26, 20091 year. Automatic renewal.
Scientific Cooperation Agreement between Caral Archaeological Zone and the Peruvian Geophysics Institute -Applied Geophysics Division.* Identification of archaeological structures beneath the surface.

* Study of archaeoastronomy in Caral.
July 25, 20081 year. Automatic renewal.
Agreement for Academic Cooperation and Technical Scientific and Cultural Exchange with the Federal University of Río de Janeiro.* Internship and training in the analysis of anthracological samples.May 5, 20085 years. Automatic renewal.
Specific Scientific Cooperation Agreement between Caral-Supe Special Archaeological Project, INC, and the Faculty of Biological Sciences of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.* Paleoparasitological analysis of coprolite samples.March 14, 20072 years. Automatic renewal.